
A category is the primary tagging mechanism for transactions. This is how transactions will be broken down in reports.

There are three types of categories:

  1. Expense (purchases that take money from your wallet). You can edit these.
  2. Income (adds money to your wallet). You can edit these.
  3. System. These are used internally by the app; they can't be edited or applied to transactions manually. An example is tax on balance transfers.

Creating a category

Go to Left menu > Categories. Then tap the + button in the lower right corner. You can also create a category when choosing a category for transactions.

Give it a name. Select income or expense. You can optionally categorize it under a parent category, which means that in reports all transactions will appear under the parent category. You can also hide this category's transactions from reports entirely by unchecking the "Show this category inside reports" checkbox.

You can customize the icon