Quick Start

  1. Install and open the app Download from Google Play Get it on F-Droid
  2. Create a new wallet to store expenses and income. This could be for a credit card, cash in your pocket, Venmo, etc.
    1. Open the left drawer menu (swipe from left to right, or click the button in the upper left corner) and click on the downward arrow next to the word "Total", then "+ New wallet" (Left menu > downward arrow > New wallet)
    2. Give it a name, choose the currency, an initial amount (the balance when you begin tracking), and optionally a note. You can customize the icon. Keep the total count checked.
  3. Transactions You'll be in the transactions list. Create a new one by clicking the + button in the lower right corner. This is the same for expenses and income
    1. Fill out the amount at the top
    2. then a description/name to see in the list
    3. followed by a category (you can create a new category at this step too)
    4. the wallet field will be filled in already
    5. you can categorize it under an event if you want to track all expenditures during a set period of time like vacation or festival
    6. if this was a group purchase, like a restaurant bill, you can add people
    7. if you want to track spending by place, you should categorize the place where this transaction happened
    8. the confirmed checkbox represents whether your bank confirmed it yet
  4. Visualize After adding your transactions, go to the left menu > overview to see charts

The most important features of the app are wallets, transactions and charts. Everything else builds on them.

Keep reading to learn how to create reccuring transactions, use templates, import external data, track savings, make budgets, pay off credit cards, and customize the app's appearance.