JSON Backup

Money Wallet supports a full backup that can be exported and imported. This contains more than just the transactions found in other export formats. See below for details)

Creating the Backup

Tap Left Menu > Settings > Database > Backup services. Choose whether you want the dump created in a cloud service ("storage access framework"), or just somewhere on your phone ("external memory"). Navigate to the folder you'd like it placed in, then tap the + button in the lower right corner.

It will create a file called backup_YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS.mwbx (current time). This is a ZIP file containing:

└── database.json

Any attachments you added to transactions will also be in the zip file.

Restoring the backup

Open the app's Left menu > Settings > Database > Backup services. Select "external memory" if the backup is on your phone, or "storage access framework" if it is on an SD card or cloud file service. You will be prompted to confirm before the import happens.

Structure of the Backup

The backup extension is .mwbx but is actually a ZIP file. It contains any attachments you added. The main file is database.json in JSON format.

The root object has the following keys:

key name description
header "header": {"version_code": 2}
currencies iso (three letter name), name, symbol ("$"), decimals (integer, for scientific notation), favourite (boolean)
wallets name, icon, currency (iso name), start_money, count_in_total (boolean), archived (boolean), index (integer, for display order)
categories name, icon, type (0 for income, 1 for expense, 2 for system), show_report (true if it should be shown in pie chart)
events name, icon, note, start_date (YYYY-MM-DD), end_date (YYYY-MM-DD)
places name, icon, address
people name, icon, note
event_people junction between events and people
debts type (0 for debt, 1 for credit), icon, description, date, wallet (UUID), note, money (integer), archived (boolean)
debt_people junction between debts and people
budgets money, currency (iso name), type (0=expense, 1=income, 2=category), category (UUID), start_date, end_date
budget_wallet junction between budgets and wallets
savings description, icon, start_money (integer), end_money (integer), wallet (UUID), end_date (YYYY-MM-DD), complete (boolean), note
recurrent_transactions description, category, money, direction (0 for expense, 1 for income), wallet (UUID), note, confirmed (boolean), count_in_total (boolean), start_date, last_occurrence, next_occurrence, rule (see RFC 5545 iCal format)
recurrent_transfers recurring transfers
transactions money, date, description, category (UUID), direction (0 for expense, 1 for income), type, wallet (UUID), note, event (UUID), confirmed (boolean), count_in_total (boolean)
transaction_people junction between transactions and people
transaction_models models of transactions: money, description, category (UUID), direction (0 for expense, 1 for income), wallet (UUID), place (UUID), note, confirmed (boolean), count_in_total (boolean)
transfers description, date, from (wallet UUID), to (wallet UUID), note, confirmed (boolean), count_in_total (boolean)
transfer_people junction between transfers and people
transfer_models models of transfers: description, from (wallet UUID), to (wallet UUID), money_from, money_to, tax_money, note, event (UUID), place (UUID), confirmed (boolean), count_in_total (boolean)
attachments file, name, type, size
transaction_attachments junction between transactions and attachments
transfer_attachments junction between transfers and attachments

All records have an id (java UUID), last_edit (unix epoch timestamp of the last time it was changed), and deleted (true or false). Junctions use the UUIDs of the two entities they're attaching.

All dates are YYYY-MM-DD. All money amounts are integers which are converted to the proper amount by the currency's definition. For USD, 100 becomes "$1.00"

Some records have an icon, which always has the following structure. They're represented as strings, so for example


key name description
type either color or resource (picture icon)
color hexadecimal RGB, for type: color
name the letters in the icon, for type: color
resource the name of the icon, for type: resource

More details can be found in com.oriondev.moneywallet.storage.database.backup.DefaultBackupExporter and com.oriondev.moneywallet.storage.database.json.JSONDataOutputFactory