CSV Import/Export

Money Wallet supports two export formats: csv and json. The CSV file format is the same for import and export. It can be read by other personal finance visualizers.

CSV Export

Open the app's Left menu > Settings > Database > Export data. Choose CSV as the format. The start and end date will filter transactions and transfers that happened during this time.

CSV Import

Open the app's Left menu > Settings > Database > Import data. Then select the file's location.

This will import transactions from a CSV file. Wallets, people, places, and categories will be created if they don't already exist, with the default settings. The currency must already exist. If an unknown event name is referenced, then the event is ignored since there's no way to recreate it from name alone. If the format of any row is invalid, then the whole import process stops.

File Format

Order of the columns does not matter. Each row is one transaction (transfers are split into 2 transactions, like double entry accounting). Source code

Column name Required Type
wallet yes string
currency yes string
category yes string
datetime yes SQL date time string
money yes integer (if there are fractional components, the value will be multiplied according to the currency definition; eg: write 534 -> "$5.34"). Negative amounts are expenses, positive amounts are income
description no string
event no string (just the name)
people no For one person: just their name. For many people, a "quoted" list of names separated by strings ("Name1, Name2, Name3")
place no string
note no string